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Recursos laborales
Looking for your next job opportunity? Explore the resources below and connect with opportunities in the Mt. Washington neighborhood and all of Haverhill.
MassHire Weekly Job Listings
MassHire posts weekly job lists for residents in the greater Lawrence area, Haverhill, and more! Check out their full-time and part-time positions.
City of Haverhill Job Board
Explore job openings with the City of Haverhill! If you have experience as a groundskeeper, electrician, or mechanic submit an application.
Haverhill Chamber of Commerce
Search the jobs posted by the Haverhill Chamber of Commerce! Check the latest openings.
Referral Services
MIH welcomes all Haverhill residents to participate in the MassHire referral service. On occasion, we will offer introductory training that will help our clients understand the different types of career opportunities best suited to their skillset, life goals, or family situation. These training opportunities will be resourced typically by MIH volunteers who do, or have done a similar job and can provide the necessary information and insight.
During the course of these trainings, MIH will connect clients to MassHire, the Commonwealth's one-stop career center, that can provide further guidance. Participants can expect personalized career assistance, job readiness information, funding for technical training, administrative employment opportunities and more!
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MakeIT Haverhill
MakeIT Haverhill is a program of Community Action, Inc. specializing in workforce development. We aim to help individuals and families attain financial stability through our English Language and Digital Literacy training and access to Employment and Career Advancement programs.
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